This is great! Thanks SG098.
i've been sitting on this video awhile.
i finally put it together.
its a recording of one of the 2014 "school for christian couples" graduations.
This is great! Thanks SG098.
as a father, made in god's love, that has troubled me for a very long time, is that god, as described by the wts, is soon, going to slaughter every, roughly, 7.9 billion people on the planet, because they have figured out a way to come know him as a father according to the wts.. .
as a father, dear apologist, why would you kill/murder a one-day old baby?.
When I was about ten years old, a Bethelite told me how one of the Governing Body answered that question at morning worship.
The GB member said, "Folks will ask you, 'But what about all the babies and children at Armageddon? How can Jehovah kill them?' Well, little rats grow up into big rats!"
The Bethelite told me this story with a big smile across his face, entirely satisfied with this answer.
It disturbed the hell out of me.
I liked fake Enzo's answer better.
it just dawned on me that one of if not the most deceptive thing that the wt convinces the members of is that the truth does not stand up to investigation.
they teach that lies trump truth.
the reality of course is something entirely different.
Being in a family where one parent was non-jw and one was jw, I did not know what to hope for.
Can definitely relate to this BLONDIE. Well expressed.
july 2014 - conyers assembly hall party and dancing for the.... play the video!.
Looks like someone was playing with their new drone. . .
check it out.. .
In stead of jw/.org I would have found it more natural to write jw./org
That there is apostate reasoning!
Write in to the Society about it, and you'll be DF'd so quick your head will spin!
Thank you ENZO. I appreciate your speedy response.
(Lol BOHM!)
I am not really convinced about his BITE model.. For me it remains a sales marketing strategy,
This statement does not make sense. How is a "model" a "sales marketing strategy"?
It's like saying "cognitive dissonance theory, nah, that's just a sakes marketing strategy." Huh?
And what exactly are you unconvinced about regarding the BITE model? Be specific.
found this video of the entertainment preperation for the delegates in atlanta, u.s. this seems to be professionally done maybe outside sources or probably done by "professional" jw's.
this is just like christendom or all the other religious organizations that they deem to be from the devil.
the people seem to be very sincere in there efforts & is much appreciated,.
Very interesting!
i was in a chinese take-out the other day and saw a couple of very recent awake and watchtower magazines on the counter, amongst other magazines.. i had a good flick through both of them and noticed how very similar both magazines now appear in terms of appearance and content.
i was left with the distinct impression that the public edition watchtower is now basically indiscernable from the awake!
regarding content.
Doesn't it?
It has an it's-the-21st-century/centennial-anniversary-of-god's-kingdom-and-nothing-has-happened kind of ring to it.